Hi Everyone…its all a bit hectic! I was interviewed via phone live this afternoon on BBC Coventry and Warwickshire about the Hillsborough Single (which is Christmas no1) and my solo album. It was a bit last minute! You can listen in at http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p001d7wt
Continue ReadingHi Everyone, If you missed it, you can hear my interview on BBC Radio Shropshire with Genevieve Tudor at http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p001d7lt Cheers! Will
Continue ReadingHi Everyone, As seen on BBC News, I am happy to announce the single I played on has been confirmed as Christmas number 1!!! I hope it raises lots of money for the familes of the hillsborough victims and they can get Justice. Thank you for all your support and going out and buying/downloading the […]
Continue ReadingI’m excited to announce the guests appearing on my solo album.. looking forward to working with Kris Drever, Andy Cutting, Martin Simpson, David Kosky, Damien O’Kane, Tim Edey, Andy Seward and Henry Webster Recording starts in Jan! Please email me to reserve a copy if you want one! Cheers Will
Continue ReadingHi everyone, I did a short interview with Billy Butler on BBC Radio Merseyside today talking about music and the Hillsborough Single. I even played a quick tune! Link is here… http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p011g74t Cheers Will
Continue ReadingHi Everyone, The Hillsborough Single is released tomorrow (17th December) Please go and buy it as its for such a worthy cause! Thank you. Will
Continue ReadingHi everyone, First press coverage has come in this evening from online magazine Festivals for all. http://www.festivalsforall.com/article/harmonica-genius-will-pound-joins-pop-and-football-stars-on-christmas-hillsborough-single Take a look if you so wish! Cheers Will
Continue ReadingHi everyone, Plans for my solo album are coming together… confirmed guests are Andy Cutting, Martin Simpson and Damien O’Kane with some more in the pipeline… I am really looking forward to this project…the recordings start in January…I will keep you posted on it! Any press stuff please contact Jane Brace PR at j.brace@virgin.net
Continue ReadingHi everyone, you can see the video here (with myself in it!) with a link…. please watch it and please buy the single! its for a very good cause! http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/hillsborough-charity-single-video-watch-1472224#.UL4lhkXZs1o.twitter Cheers! Will
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